Splinter Meetings

Splinter meetings will be held in parallel and may last for up to three sessions during the conference.

Below you can find the list of the splinter meetings accepted by the SOC, including links to their websites.

Please note: Abstract submission for all splinters is done centrally through the Abstract Submission on this website. Please do not send your abstracts directly to the convenors of the splinter meetings!

BildungAstronomische BildungX virtual Edu
BlackHolesBlack HolesX virtual BH
CareersHealthy Careers in Astronomy (and beyond)X virtual Career
CosmicRaysImpact of Cosmic Rays on the Physics and Chemistry of Dense Molecular GasX virtual Cosmic
CultureAstronomy in Culture - Cultures of AstronomyXXX virtual Cult
EScienceEScience und Virtual ObservatoryXX virtual ESc
ExoplanetsExploring the diversity of extrasolar planetsXX virtual Exo
JungeAGJunge AG - Young AGX virtual JAG
OutreachPublic Outreach in der Astronomie / Public Outreach in AstronomyX virtual Outreach
StarsStars and Stellar FeedbackXXX virtual Stars
SustainabilityAstronomy and SustainabilityX virtual Sustain
TimeDomainTime-domain astronomyX virtual TimeD