Splinter Meeting Stars

Stars and Stellar Feedback

Time: Tuesday September 14, 09:00-11:00 and Wednesday September 15, 09:00-11:00 and 16:15-18:00 and Thursday September 16, 09:00-11:00 CEST (UTC+2)

Room: virtual Stars

Convenor(s): Varsha Ramachandran [1], Kathryn Kreckel [2], Stefanie Walch-Gassner [3], Ralf Klessen [4], Andreas Sander [5], Helge Todt [1]
[1] U Potsdam, [2] ARI/ZAH, [3] U Köln, [4] ITA/ZAH, [5] Armagh Observatory

Understanding the interplay between stars and gas is of fundamental importance across many fields of astrophysics. Stars interact with their surrounding interstellar medium (ISM) through ionizing radiation, stellar winds, and supernovae (SNe), depositing energy, momentum, mass, and metals. Subsequently, stellar feedback drives the evolution of the parental cloud and regulates the formation of new stars. The processes of star formation and feedback happen at cloud scales within galaxies, but they also play a critical role in galaxy evolution. The stellar feedback is necessary for forming realistic galaxies in simulations and to account for observed galaxy properties such as inefficient star formation, the life-cycle of giant molecular clouds, and turbulence in the ISM.
Among stars, the massive ones are the dominant feedback agents and dynamically shape the ISM on timescales of a few million years. Strong UV photons from massive stars create H II regions and photodissociation regions. Their winds and final core-collapse explosions are important sources of mechanical power, causing ISM turbulence and the formation of shells and bubbles. The combined impact of different feedback mechanisms in massive young stellar clusters leads to the formation of superbubbles that can drive galactic winds and outflows, which have been frequently observed in local as well as distant galaxies. A comparison of the energy, momentum, and metal contribution from stellar populations to the dynamics, chemistry, and morphology of the ISM is necessary to understand this cyclic process. Our goal is to bring together scientific communities who study stars, stellar populations, and their impact on the multi-phase ISM to address and discuss stellar feedback and star formation.
New generation instruments and large surveys (Gaia, MUSE, 4MOST, SDSS-V/MWM and LVM) give rise to multi-wavelength studies of resolved stellar populations and trace the detailed structure of the ISM. On the theoretical side, higher-resolution and more realistic numerical simulations of ISM and galaxy evolution allow us to study star formation and stellar feedback in detail. This splinter meeting will include recent theoretical and observational results and contribute to our current understanding of why and how stars affect their environment, the importance of different feedback processes, how feedback varies with different ISM conditions, and the impact on star formation.


Tuesday September 14, 09:00-11:00 Stars and Stellar Feedback (virtual Stars)

09:00  Kuiper:
On the metallicity-dependence of radiation forces and photoionization feedback in massive star formation

09:20  Jaeyeon Kim:
A systematic determination of the evolutionary timescale of successive phases of star formation and gas dispersal by stellar feedback

09:40  André Oliva:
The processes driving jets during the formation of high-mass stars

10:00  Amith Govind:
Close stellar flybys are common in low-mass clusters

10:20  Gautham Narayana Sabhahit:
Superadiabaticity and the metallicity independence of the Humphreys-Davidson limit

10:40  Roel Lefever:
Impact of the uncertain velocity fields on the spectral appearance of Wolf-Rayet stars

Wednesday September 15, 09:00-11:00 Stars and Stellar Feedback (virtual Stars)

09:00  Ashley Barnes:
A Balancing Act: Observational determination of the pressures in HII regions across the Galactic Centre and nearby galaxies

09:20  Lauren Martini:
On gravitational trapping and ram pressure trapping of ultracompact and hypercompact HII regions

09:40  Nicola Schneider :
The impact of expanding CII bubbles on the interstellar medium

10:00  Slawa Kabanovic:
The importance of self-absorption in [CII], HI, and CO lines

10:20  Cristian Guevara:
OI] self-absorption effects in M17SW and MonR2

10:40  Azlizan Adhyaqsa Soemitro:
MUSE Planetary Nebula Luminosity Function of NGC 300

Wednesday September 15, 16:15-18:00 Stars and Stellar Feedback (virtual Stars)

16:15  Sara Rezaei Kh., Daniel Seifried:
Substructures of the molecular clouds: connecting theory and observation

16:35  Enrico Congiu:
Classification of emission-line nebulae in the PHANGS-MUSE sample: a Bayesian approach

16:55  Raul Dominguez:
Reproducing 30 Doradus by N-body simulations and WARPFIELD.

17:15  Ekaterina I. Makarenko:
Diagnostic of optical emission from cooling supernova shocks in the multiphase Interstellar Media

17:35  Florian Kirchschlager:
Supernova induced processing of interstellar dust: impact of ISM gas density and gas turbulence

17:55  Gabriel Szász:
New "Pseudo-Rotating" Stellar Atmospheres

Thursday September 16, 09:00-11:00 Stars and Stellar Feedback (virtual Stars)

09:00  Mélanie Chevance:
Feedback-driven molecular cloud lifecycles in 50 nearby galaxies

09:20  Oleg Egorov:
Ionized superbubbles and their driving stellar association in PHANGS

09:40  Elizabeth Watkins:
Identifying Molecular Superbubbles in Nearby Galaxies using PHANGS-ALMA 12CO (2-1)

10:00  Michalis Kourniotis:
Stellar feedback as source of gas dissolution in GMCs : 1D hydrodynamic models

10:20  Abhijeet Anand:
The cool circumgalactic medium in absorption with large spectroscopic surveys

10:40  Final Discussion

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