Satellite Events

Several satellite events are taking place during and around the conference.

Astronomical Telescope Network Germany (ATNG) kickoff meeting

Time: Monday, September 13, 09:00-11:00

Room: virtual ATNG

Organizers: Ansgar Reiners (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)

The Astronomical Telescope Network Germany (ATNG) is a national platform that helps optimizing the use of astronomical observatories that are either operated by an institution in Germany, or for which the institutions have guaranteed, unallocated time. The primary aim of ATNG is to facilitate scientific and technical cooperation between the participating institutes. The kickoff meeting is open for all members of interested institutes.

Arbeitskreis AstroFrauenNetzwerk / AstroFemaleNetwork

Time: Monday, September 13, 14:00-16:00

Room: virtual AFN

Organizers: Sonja Schuh (MPS, Göttingen)

During their get-together on Monday afternoon, the AstroFemaleNetwork participants plan to discuss

  • Report on AFN activities September 2020 - September 2021
  • Update of AFN communication infrastructure: web pages
  • AFN Speaker team for September 2021 - September 2022
We also invite contributed talks of 5-10 min on further topics by participants. Please e-mail your suggested contributions to the AFN list to reserve a spot, or just bring along your talk, with or without slides!

Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting and discussion.

Get in touch:

Junge AG - Young AG

Time: Monday, September 13, 16:00-18:00 and Tuesday September 14, 09:00-11:00

Room: virtual JAG

Contact: Markus Hundertmark (Universität Heidelberg)

For the first time the meeting of the "Young AG" is expected to be a splinter meeting itself. In addition to the report and discussion session, we are soliciting talks for the two allocated time slots. Since 2020, we would consider all students and early postdocs to be "young" AG members, irrespective of actual age. Young members in that sense who want to talk about their theses or ongoing projects and could not find a suitable slot or prefer to talk to a different audience are invited to give a presentation. Contributed talks should take 10 to 15 minutes and we expect to have longer invited talks.

Mitgliederversammlung der Astronomischen Gesellschaft

Termin: Dienstag, 14. September, 15:30 - ca. 18:00 Uhr

Zugang zum virtuellen Versammlungsraum

Öffentlicher Abendvortrag

Termin: Mittwoch, 15. September, 19:00 - 20:30 Uhr

Im Rahmen eines öffentlichen Abendvortrags, der ebenfalls in virtueller Form stattfindet, wird Nobelpreisträger Prof. Dr. Reinhard Genzel über bahnbrechende detailgenaue Beobachtungen des Zentrums der Milchstraße berichten.

Prof. Dr. Reinhard Genzel:
Eine 40 jährige Reise zum Zentrum der Milchstraße

Zugang zum virtuellen Vortragsraum


Termin: Freitag, 17. September, 14:00 - 18.00 Uhr

14:00 Uhr: Olaf Kretzer (Schul- und Volkssternwarte Suhl): Wo endet das Sonnensystem?

15:15 Uhr: Prof. Dr. Oliver Schwarz (Uni Siegen): Mitteleuropa und die wahre Gestalt der Erde - wie man die Abplattung der Erde bestimmt ohne die Erdoberfläche zu verlassen

Zugang zum virtuellen Veranstaltungsraum