Contributed Talk - Splinter BlackHoles
Wednesday, 15 September 2021, 14:00 (virtual BH)
Jet collimation study of the twin-jet in NGC1052
A.-K. Baczko (1), E. Ros (1), M. Kadler (2), C. M. Fromm (3,4,5,1), B. Boccardi (1), M. Perucho (6,7), T.P. Krichbaum (1), P. R. Burd (2),and J.A. Zensus (1)
1) MPIfR Bonn,DE 2) Univ. Würzburg, DE 3) Harvard & Smithsonian, USA 4) Harvard Univ., USA 5) Univ. Frankfurt, DE 6) Univ. de Valencia, ES
The nearby LINER galaxy NGC1052 shows a twin-jet system oriented in the plane of the sky. Based on observations from 1.4GHz to 43GHz with the VLBA and an earth sized VLBI array I will present our results from a collimation study of NGC1052 from 200 to 5x10^5 Schwarzschild radii. A broken power-law fit to the jet width with distance reveal a break of the collimation profile at 10^4 Schwarzschild radii, where the jets change from a quasi-cylindrical to a conical profile. This is in contrast to the typically observed parabolic collimation upstream of the break for most one-sided AGN jets. It is striking that the location of the break matches the outer edge of the surrounding, free-free absorbing torus. Hence, a confinement by the ambient medium might play an important role for the observed quasi-cylindrical profile.