
Contributed Talk - Splinter EScience

Thursday, 16 September 2021, 16:15   (virtual ESc)

PUNCH4NFDI Consortium

Leibniz Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP)

The PUNCH4NFDI Consortium has been formed to enhance the digital infrastructure in the 4 involved communities Particle, Universe, NuClei, Hadrons and connect it to the NFDI.
* Intent and Scope of NFDI {H. Enke, AIP}
* General structure and roadmap of PUNCH {M. Steinmetz, AIP}
* * Core Task Areas of PUNCH (TA2-4) { NN, }
* * Data irreversibility {M. Kramer, MPIfR}
* * Synergies , Outreach, Education {S. Wagner, LSW}
The discussion will touch on already available offers, and also on demands of the involved communities